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Email Template Builder to Level Up Your Campaigns with
Dark Mode

Keep your current email marketing platform and stand out from the competition with our seamless integrations and ready-made email templates.

Get started for free
Image Building Block
Demo emails→️
Twilio SendGrid
Available integrations

Design emails

Drag-and-Drop Builder

Design email masterpieces by simply dragging and dropping elements onto the canvas with the Drag-and-Drop Builder. No coding required!

Mobile Responsiveness

Dark Theme Support

Offer a visually appealing alternative and reduce eye strain with the option for dark-themed emails. Captivate your recipients with a modern touch.

Email Annotation

Ensure your emails look perfect on desktop, mobile, and tablets with Responsive Design Tools. Change every element for the mobile version or leave it as it is – it will look amazing anyway.
Integrate email annotations seamlessly, ensuring your messages stand out in Gmail. Enhance engagement and capture attention with enriched email previews.

Customization Options

AMP Support

Personalize colors, fonts, images, and layouts using Customization Options. Make every email uniquely yours, reflecting your brand's identity.
Design email masterpieces by simply dragging and dropping elements onto the canvas with the Drag-and-Drop Builder. No coding required!

Automate routine work

AI Image Generation

Experience the magic of AI Image Generation. Analyze content, keywords, and preferences to automatically create visuals that perfectly match your email's context and message.

AI Text Generation

Leverage AI-powered text generation to create captivating email content. Get suggestions, personalized subject lines, and industry-relevant recommendations. Save time while crafting impactful copy.

AI Template Generation

Let AI do the heavy lifting. Generate email templates based on your preferences, industry trends, and best practices. Choose from a variety of professionally crafted layouts and jumpstart your design process.

Build emails faster

Template Library

Access a wide range of customizable email templates, tailored to different industries, campaigns, and design preferences. Save valuable time and effort by starting with professionally designed templates as the foundation for your emails.
Save your customized blocks within templates for effortless reusability, allowing you to easily access and integrate them into future email designs.

Module Library

Wheel of Fortune
Game of 15
Slot Machine
Pathfinder Puzzle
Add games directly to your emails
Get started for free

✔ Free forever for core features

Test emails

Real-Time Preview and Testing

Eliminate surprises and spot issues before sending with the Preview and Testing feature. See how your emails appear on different clients, devices, and screen sizes to ensure flawless delivery.
Share your email designs effortlessly using web-based Preview Links. Collaborate with stakeholders, clients, or team members, even if they don't have platform access. Simplify the approval process and enhance teamwork.

Sharing Preview Links

Discuss the process

Easy Commenting Functionality

Provide feedback and approvals directly on specific elements or sections of an email design. Improve collaboration efficiency and maintain transparency during the design process.
Workspace Management with Enhanced Collaboration Empower seamless collaboration with advanced Workspace Management. Transfer assets, templates, and designs between workspaces for streamlined workflows and consistent branding across projects. Enjoy real-time co-editing with your teammates.

Workspace Management with Enhanced Collaboration

Integrate & Export

Seamless Integration with ESPs

Seamlessly sync your designs with popular Email Service Providers (ESPs). Automate email sending, leverage advanced marketing features, and manage campaigns effortlessly with smooth integration.
Generate clean and optimized HTML code for email designs that render perfectly across all clients and devices. Boost deliverability and user satisfaction.

Clean Email Code

Gamification of Emails

Boost email engagement through gamified content

AMP Components

Engage audiences with polls, carousel, and accordion features
Elevate your emails with personalized HTML designs

Custom HTML Code

Board View

Effortlessly organize projects with a visual board layout

Advanced Features

Advanced features tailored for marketers and businesses, empowering seamless customization and engagement-boosting capabilities in email campaigns
  • Oluwo Mumini Dayo
    Salesgeek Agency
    I’ve enjoyed working on this platform and appreciate that it’s free. If you are looking for the best marketing solution, I suggest you go for Markeaze.

  • Diana U
    Marketing Manager
    User-friendly and intuitive email software with a simple, clutter-free interface. You can seamlessly build your own emails or go for one of their numerous customizable templates.
  • Sarah Johnson
    E-commerce Business Owner
    Markeaze has made managing my email campaigns a breeze. As someone with no prior marketing experience, I was surprised by how user-friendly it is. Our email engagement has skyrocketed!

Free email templates

Explore our wide range of stunning email templates, thoughtfully designed to suit various themes and industries. Take a look at some of our available templates, categorized by themes:

Seasonal Delights

E-commerce Excellence
Festive Holiday Offers
Fashion Lookbook Showcase
Spring Sale Extravaganza
Summer Adventure Specials

Auto Emails for E-commerce

Tech Gadgets Galore
Abandoned Cart Reminder
Home Decor Inspiration

Business Boosters

Order Confirmation
Professional Service Promotions
Special Offers
Corporate Event Invitations
Product Recommendations
Client Appreciation Newsletter
Customer Feedback
Designed for large enterprises and agencies with heavy email marketing needs, offering enhanced productivity.
Perfect for growing businesses and marketing teams that need more flexibility and advanced features to create impactful campaigns.
Ideal for individual freelancers and small businesses looking to get started with professional email designs at no cost.
No credit card required

Pricing Overview

Choose the plan that best fits your needs and unlock the full potential of our email design platform.
Sign up for free and start creating beautiful and effective emails today
Upgrade anytime to access even more features and take your email marketing to new heights.
No credit card required