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100+ Free HTML Email Templates

All templates include features like dark mode, clear code, responsiveness, interactive AMP blocks, and compatibility with all major email clients, including Outlook
    Why Choose Markeaze Email Templates?
    Spin for prizes and rewards in this interactive game of chance.
    Dark Mode Compatibility
    Optimized, clean code ensures fast loading times and easy customization.
    Clear Code
    Our templates are fully responsive, guaranteeing perfect display on both mobile and desktop devices
    Responsive Design
    Choose from over 100 templates, tailored for various industries and occasions.
    Extensive Template Library
    Add interactive elements with ease using our AMP-compatible blocks.
    Interactive AMP Blocks
    Our templates are tested to work seamlessly with Outlook and other major email clients.
    Outlook Compatibility
    No need to switch platforms. Easily export any template to Mailchimp, Sendgrid, Klaviyo, Unisender, and more.
    Export to Your ESP
    Order a custom template
    Need something unique?
    Benefits of Using Markeaze Email Templates
    Spin for prizes and rewards in this interactive game of chance.
    Easily tailor templates to match your brand’s look and feel.
    Interactive elements and responsive design lead to higher engagement rates.
    Enhanced Engagement
    High-quality designs ensure your emails stand out in crowded inboxes.
    Professional Appeal

    Gamify your emails

    Ready to make your emails more interactive? Sign up now to unlock all features and create engaging masterpieces!
    No credit card required

    How our our prebuilt email templates can help your business grow?

    Pre-made email templates have revolutionized the way businesses conduct their email marketing campaigns. With features like AMP games, forms, quizzes, carousels, dark mode, and mobile optimization, these templates can be easily customized to suit any business need. Let’s dive into the benefits and features of these versatile templates and how they can help your business improve its metrics.

    Benefits of Pre-Made Email Templates

    • 1
      Responsiveness and Mobile Optimization
      Our pre-made email templates are fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. With more than half of all emails being opened on mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure your emails look great on any screen size.
    • 2
      Dark Mode Compatibility
      All our templates support dark mode, providing a modern and eye-friendly experience. Dark mode can reduce eye strain, save battery life on OLED screens, and cater to the preferences of over 50% of users who use dark mode consistently.
    • 3
      Enhanced Engagement with AMP Features
      AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) features like games, forms, quizzes, and carousels make your emails more interactive and engaging. These elements can significantly improve your email metrics by increasing click-through rates and conversions.
    • 4
      Ease of Customization
      Our drag-and-drop editor requires no coding skills, making it easy for even beginners to create stunning emails. Customize images, text, and CTAs effortlessly to match your brand and campaign goals.
    • 5
      Cross-Platform Compatibility
      Our templates are compatible with all major email systems, including Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Apple Mail. This ensures your emails look great no matter where they’re opened.

    How Pre-Made Templates Can Help Your Business

    Interactive AMP elements like games, quizzes, and forms can drive engagement and conversions. For instance, AMP games can increase click-through rates by making emails more fun and interactive. Quizzes can provide valuable insights into customer preferences, while forms can streamline data collection directly within the email.

    How to Use Pre-Made Templates for Different Campaigns

    Product Launches
    • Use Case: Introduce new products with a visually appealing email that highlights key features and benefits using an AMP carousel.
    • Benefit: Generates excitement and awareness, driving traffic to your website and boosting initial sales.
    Seasonal Promotions
    • Use Case: Create emails for holiday sales or seasonal promotions with AMP games or quizzes to engage your audience.
    • Benefit: Increases urgency and encourages quick purchases, capitalizing on seasonal shopping trends.
    Customer Retention
    • Use Case: Send personalized emails to existing customers with special offers and recommendations based on their purchase history.
    • Benefit: Enhances customer loyalty and drives repeat purchases by making customers feel valued.
    Event Invitations
    • Use Case: Promote webinars, workshops, or in-store events with detailed and visually appealing emails. Include event details, images, and a CTA to register.
    • Benefit: Boosts attendance and engagement, providing valuable touchpoints with your audience.
    Feedback Collection
    • Use Case: Use AMP forms to collect customer feedback directly within the email.
    • Benefit: Streamlines the feedback process, increasing response rates and providing valuable insights into customer satisfaction.

    Testing and Compatibility

    • 1
      Cross-Platform Compatibility
      Our templates work seamlessly with all major email clients, including Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Apple Mail.
    • 2
      Testing Tools
      Ensure your emails look great across all devices and clients using tools like Email on Acid and Mail-Tester. These services provide comprehensive previews and diagnostics to help you optimize your emails.

    Gmail Annotations

    Gmail annotations allow your emails to stand out in the promotions tab by adding promotional details, expiration dates, and discount codes directly in the subject line preview. This feature helps your emails capture attention and drive higher engagement rates.

    Exporting Options

    Our templates can be exported in various formats to suit your needs:
    • HTML: For traditional email platforms and custom integrations.
    • AMPHTML: For interactive emails with AMP features.
    • ZIP: Bundled format including all assets.
    • PNG: High-quality images for visual references.
    • PDF: Printable versions for offline use.
    Additionally, our templates integrate seamlessly with major email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Unisender, and SendGrid, making it easy to manage your campaigns from one place.
    Incorporating interactive AMP games into email templates can significantly enhance your email marketing campaigns by boosting engagement, click-through rates, and conversions. By carefully designing these games to align with your campaign goals and ensuring technical compatibility, you can provide a memorable and rewarding experience for your audience. Explore different campaign ideas and rewards to keep your emails fresh and exciting, and watch as your email metrics soar.