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How to personalize and win the loyalty & awareness of your audience?

5 min read
To satisfy consumer demands, marketers utilize email personalization to create 1:1 experiences that meet and surpass consumer expectations. Therefore, it is not unexpected that 33% of marketers ranked "personalization" as the capability that will be most crucial to marketing in the future. So let's examine how you might utilize it in your web business.

Have you heard of this?

As a brand-new email marketer, the chances are - you’ve heard or seen email personalization yourself. And while working in a fashion or any other online business, you have probably implemented a few personalization approaches yourself. You think that it goes all well and continue to implement it.
However, as time passes, you understand that your customers do not share data about themselves to implement personalization, no matter how engaging your content may look. Furthermore, there is little to no analysis of different personalization methods and types available for your industry. So, where do you look for the correct answers?
You should always analyze what the experts suggest with the backed data presented.

Why is email personalization so important?

Have you ever noticed how your customers react when you add personalized content that can suit their needs? Email personalization is a compelling marketing strategy. Segmenting email marketing can improve income by up to 760%. 59% of customers trust AI firms to tailor their experience, even though subscribers want to know more about how companies use their data. Due to this level of convenience, email personalization is an excellent investment when done correctly.

What can you personalize in an email?

Most marketers employ basic customization techniques to engage in email newsletter marketing. They may not have the means to focus on overall email improvement, but a few fundamental strategies can help them, and you also change the outcomes and engagement metrics.
The "From" name
When your campaign appears in your subscriber's email, the "from" name is one of the most frequently displayed aspects.
On many desktop and mobile clients, this field has a larger font size and bolder language to aid in identifying the sender of an email before the recipient opens it.
Unsurprisingly, 68% of Americans rely on their choice to open an email on the "from" name, given its prevalence. To appeal to these individuals and increase the number of people who open your email campaigns, you can customize the "from" name of your emails so that various subscribers see unique names.
Sending marketing campaigns from the specific sales representative or account manager working on a particular account is a typical use case.
Dubsat does a beautiful job with this in their promotional campaigns, changing the "from" name dynamically so that the email appears to come from the account manager with whom the client communicates frequently.
Use oersonalized subject lines
Subject lines have always been important in email marketing, but they must be specific for the best results. You can run tests to find the most effective ones. With testing, you can modify the content of your subject lines based on all the data you’ve collected about a subscriber’s wants, interests, age, location, and more. Open rates and conversion rates are only up from there.
Add “Recommendations for You”
We’ve already talked about some email personalization techniques, and now it’s time to dig deeper. Start personalizing your emails by recommending more purchases or actions according to a reader’s past. It works because readers appreciate the “recommendations” if they’ve liked similar previous purchases.
Rather than trying to reach all your readers with a single promotion, just send it to those who have shown interest in a related topic. You can do this in any industry by suggesting related products and services. Perhaps offer a discount to encourage sales.
Personalize your business
Don’t limit email personalization to your customers’ data: You also can customize your brand. Customization could make all the difference to your company’s success rate, and it’s not hard to implement. You only need to make some changes, and you can automate many of them. YOu can even send out welcome messages and emails to your subscribers:
  • Birthdays
  • Seasonal campaigns
  • Promotions
  • Order confirmations
  • Hot-this-week offers
Test aspects such as a conversational tone, words like “we” and “I,” and generally making your emails seem like they are from an actual human. Customers respond to it. Here’s an example of how Birkenstock (a female sandals store) took this opportunity.
Add physical location to boost in-store sales
Using the geographical data of your recipient and showing the nearest store can help you boost in-store sales. These emails contain the location of the store and opening and closing hours to give the recipient all the required details.
Such personalization needs you to have the granular location details of your recipient, including Pincode. In this example, you can see how different brands are encouraging recipients to check out their stores nearby. If you have a physical store, a store location email can be helpful to attract people who are interested in buying physically.

All in all

Email personalization is essential for every newsletter and email sequence you want to implement. Your subscribers won’t bother looking through an email without any personal touch that may pickle their interest. So always consider this rule when creating your emails.
To try out each email personalization approach mentioned above and test how impactful your emails are, you can use Markeaze. Personalize each bulky email according to your segregated audience profiles and achieve better reach while choosing the correct email from our 100+ pre-made email collection.

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