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4 core steps in producing quality email announcements for you blog

Did you know that 55% of successful content marketing strategies focus on improving the quality of content? Not only do they focus on the quality of blog posts, but also the announcement emails that can trigger the audience's attention and convert them to potential customers. So how exactly can you accomplish this? Let’s start where you can relate to.

Be honest: have you been in a similar situation?

Imagine, that you decided to make blog articles announcements via email newsletters to gain more traffic and more users on your main website. You have worked on some email variations and are finally done to revise them.
After reading the announcement emails, you understand that they look like a copy-paste from someone else's competitor. Moreover, there are changes to your blog post schedule, and you have already pre-made the emails manually with no automation solution. So how can you escape this scenario?
You must carefully craft and align your email announcements according to the blog plan calendar.

What blog plans should you implement?

SEO traffic channel has been one of the popular picks due to its fair simplicity and cost-free methodology. By selecting a main, a few secondary, and LSI keywords and writing an engaging copy, you’ll have an excellent chance to score highly in the given search engine. There is no doubt that a marketer has to carefully plan and pick the right keywords while providing a distinguishable copy.
Another popular blog content strategy is to focus solely on the valuable content inside the blog article. The marketers should entirely pay attention to the content that is being developed. It has to undergo market and competitor research to shine among other articles. After that, the advertisement channel will promote a particular blog article to gain more relevant traffic according to the Google Ads settings (for example)
This approach may combine one or two or neither of the previously mentioned blog plans. As the new product(s)/service(s) are being developed inside a newly established company, there may be some that can disrupt the current state of the market. Therefore, one company may focus entirely on their new product(s)/service(s) and constantly spread the word about their unique brand.

What are the main steps to ensure your email announcements will be practical?

Select the right email marketing tool
You must first determine which email solution you should use to announce your blog content. Sure the traditional email approach via Gmail or any other email provider is still here. However, it can be a time-consuming process, so it’s better to stick to some proven email marketing tools.
For example, our small and medium fashion brand partners stick with Markeaze - a flexible and user-friendly email marketing platform. They can quickly construct their own email via visual builder or select a premade template and schedule it automatically. Once sent, they will overview the major analytical metrics and analyze how to improve the engagement impact.
Determine a sending frequency (and test it)
You need to determine how frequently you should send announcement emails. Here are some core suggestions from our team and our fashion experts:
Do not send an email each time a new blog post is published if you do so multiple times per week.
Try weekly email announcements. For example, try to send an announcement every Wednesday at 10 a.m. EDT. This can be an ideal time if you publish multiple times per week.
If you post from 3 to 5 articles per month, you should stick with monthly announcement emails, as it would be an excellent option.
Once you establish a rhythm and develop muscle memory with your blog digest emails, the whole process can be easily automated. For example, via a visual calendar, you can automate such email sequences in Markeaze. Simply set the right time, assign an email and just add relevant content according to your blog plan.
Create a curated content section for your audience
Remember that your email marketing and blog subscriber lists may contain different audiences, depending on your marketing strategy. If someone subscribes to your blog, they are typically more interested in the content you have made, rather than in promotions and emails containing coupons, upsells, and other sales-oriented content.
Subscribing to a blog is undoubtedly a lead generation form, but blog subscribers may have less chance to convert than someone who has requested to speak with your sales team. Consequently, your content must reflect this distinction. Consider the following guidelines when writing the email for your blog digest:
  • Be conversational – the blog subscribers is your community and the individuals who value your content, so maintain a conversational tone to maintain their interest.
  • Shorter is better. Quality over quantity. So don’t include every detail in your emails and save it for the landing page.
  • Ensure that you have a pre-sending procedure in place!
Measure how effective the impact is
Once you've begun sending blog announcement emails, you can start to track engagement metrics such as Open Rate and Total Clicks. At the same time, you can make adjustments based on how recipients will interact with your content.

All in all

The email announcements can play a massive role in engaging and converting your email subscribers to potential customers. Depending on your marketing strategy, you can achieve the desired results by correctly setting your email announcements.
The best tool that allows you to establish the previously mentioned steps is Markeaze! Our all-in-one email marketing solution will enable you to quickly build emails via the visual drag-and-drop feature, automate newsletters schedules and track all of the core email marketing metrics, such as CTR, Delivery Rate, Open Rate, etc.

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