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Will you dare to implement these 4 email segmentation strategies?

5 min read
by Helen Parf
On average, a regular person receives over 100 emails in their inbox. Around 60-75% will be completely ignored and be always remain unread in the inbox. So if you think about it: a potential customer has their preferences and other interaction factors, so they won’t be easily interested in all promotions and offers at once, but only the ones they can relate to. So how exactly do they ensure such a successful email strategy? The answer is - segmentation.

You’ve been in this scenario before, did you?

As an experienced fashion email marketer, you know how it feels to enter a market with new opportunities: constantly trying new tactics while deciding what’s working for your business. After 2 months of constant interaction with your users through emails, you notice a difference in consumers' buying patterns and decide to segment your lists.
However, when you start segregating your audience, you don’t get a chance to comprehensively conduct RFM or cohort analysis due to the vast diversity of your audience. You spend too much time on segmenting and can’t get enough time for other relevant tasks, which slows down your competency level.
Therefore, you need firm strategies of how segmentation should work to have strong email marketing results.

How do you start segmenting your users?

Define Your Data Points
Your email segmentation strategy is built on data. Your segment capacity will be constrained without excellent data. Consider the methods you use to obtain customer data. Online orders, social network sites, website activity, and other sources provide you with data. But what do you demand of your clients? What do you indirectly monitor?
Your main goal here is to get people to the activation stage of your sales funnel—whether that means getting them to buy something or use a specific feature. So to make the most of your email marketing, focus on optimizing your data-gathering processes so it fits your conversion goals. Answer these three questions:
  1. What data are we already collecting?
  2. What data can we start collecting?
  3. What data do we need to ask for?
You likely won't have all the data points you want, and your current data-gathering framework won't always support the tests you want to run. That's when you need to pull in development resources or invest in a third-party tool.
Create Personas for Your Customers
Every company should know who their best customers are—mothers, college students, beer snobs, audiophiles, lobster fishermen, whatever. But not every company goes in-depth to create personas for those customers.
Customer personas provide the bedrock for your list segmentation because they help you define which segments need which message. To build a helpful customer persona, try to answer these questions:
  1. What demographic information do you know about this customer?
  2. What are the pain points for this customer?
  3. What do they want to accomplish (and how can I help them accomplish it)?
  4. What does a day in their life look like?
Choose Your Segments
Now that you have your data and understand who you're talking to choose some segments to experiment with. Feel free to get creative with your groups using the unique knowledge you have about your customers.
Create Your Email
Once you decide on how to segment your email lists, you need to write and design content that's targeted toward each group. Finding the right voice takes experimentation, and we could spend many blog posts covering copy strategies.
Employ an Email Marketing Tools' Segmentation Feature
You have data and a plan to use it. Now comes the fun part: sending your emails out into the world. For that, you're going to want an email marketing app that can handle list segmentation and make multiple sends a breeze.
Measure, Adjust, Repeat
Now that your emails are out in the world, you get to collect another kind of data. Make sure you're tracking how people interact with your emails: measure what they open, what they click on, and what kinds of content get them engaged. And once you crunch the numbers, use that knowledge to improve future campaigns.

4 Email Segmentation Strategies

Rich data

Your email segmentation strategy is built on data. Your segment capacity will be constrained without excellent data. Consider the methods you use to obtain customer data. Online orders, social network sites, website activity, and other sources provide you with data. But what do you demand of your clients? What do you indirectly monitor?
Always be deliberate about the data you gather and the methods you use to track it. In general, having more information is beneficial because it can always be filtered and segmented later.
B2B organizations employ a variety of client data categories for email segmentation.
  • Basic identifying information, such as name, age, race, gender, address, and occupation, is referred to as demographic data.
  • Firmographic data classifies businesses based on characteristics, including industry or sector, customer base, location, and technology employed.
  • Technographic information is essential for businesses that provide product solutions. It examines the technology tools that companies already employ and any prospective future ambitions and requirements.
  • Chronographic information demonstrates variations across time. It may be about people or businesses. Examples include moving, getting a new job, buying another company, or going public.
Every single segment mentioned above has already been implemented inside our all-in-one solution - Markeaze. A user-friendly drag and drop email platform tested by numerous fashion small and medium businesses. Engage in creating flexible emails or choose the ones that suit your purpose from 100+ email pre-made templates.

Strategic segmentation

There is no reason to maintain the status quo when there are so many various sorts of data and data points you may use for email segmentation. Every sector, business, and consumer base is unique. Therefore you should segment your lists according to how best to convey your message and achieve your objectives.
While most marketers know that traditional "batch and blast" techniques are ineffective, they frequently stop there regarding email segmentation. Any business can readily divide its customer base into active and inactive customers, but there is much more potential when you look beyond these apparent distinctions.
The key to effective segmentation is to consider both client demands and attributes. Consider the distinctive qualities of your target audience when creating messaging for businesses and the decision-makers within them.
Take into account where your customer is in their journey as well. Are they only now beginning to look for answers? Are they prepared to buy something? Your message's content, tone, and call to action should all change.
Your messaging will be more valuable and relevant to your audience if you go beyond the most basic segmentation techniques.

Email Personalization

Nowadays, customization is so widespread that most individuals can spot it for what it is in their inboxes: a marketing tactic. Even though most subscribers know that it's a pre-filled form field, including a name can still help grab their attention.
The question is, "How can I personalize my email that offers value rather than just catch attention?" Businesses are becoming more adept at this. Personalization can be advanced for improved performance by using past purchases, conveying information pertinent to a particular location, and creating unique content for each section.
The secret is to customize your material to make sense to your audience rather than just for personalization's sake. For example, in Markeaze, most of our customers use the customer's first name to highlight either a special offer or suggest items that can compliment their previous purchase. Or, if the customer has a membership status, then email marketers may use their body sizes and favorite colors to suggest relevant products.

Automation in email segmentation

Utilizing an email marketing automation solution is now a need for survival in the market. More than 52% of all marketers are currently using automation principles to deliver emails to their segmented audiences. It saves time and refocuses on the efficiency of your team.
So instead of spending hours on manual work, while all competitors are benefitting from the automation tools, you can try such a solution on your own.
For example, you can use Markeaze to enhance the pace and scope of your email segmentation plan if you want it to be effective. Add users to specific segmentation groups, schedule campaigns via a visual calendar, and personalize your email with user’s data.

In conclusion

Email segmentation is one of the critical factors that can significantly improve your revenue generation, while you can prioritize your time on other essential tasks as an email marketer.
If you want to try out segmenting your users already, how about you try Markeaze? It’s an all-in-one solution that has all of the necessary tools one needs to segment their email contact lists while building an impactful campaign from zero to 100% working revenue channel.

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